
Combined online self-management for pain, associated anxiety and depression works

Category: Healthcare News

Online symptom self-management works to decrease pain, anxiety and depression and for some, online self-management plus nurse telecare helps even more according to a new study. Pain is the most common physical symptom for which adults seek medical attention in US, while anxiety and depression are the most common mental health symptoms. All three symptoms […]

Vitamin D could help cancer patients live longer

Category: Healthcare News

Physicians have found that vitamin D, if taken for at least three years, could help cancer patients live longer. The findings suggest that the vitamin carries significant benefits other than just contributing to healthy bones. » Read more Source: Science Daily

Killing the unkillable cancer cells

Category: Healthcare News

We all know someone affected by the battle against cancer. And we know that treatments can be quite efficient at shrinking the tumour but too often, they can’t kill all the cells, and so it may come back. With some aggressive types of cancer, the problem is so great that there is very little that […]

Good physical fitness in middle age linked to lower chronic lung disease risk

Category: Healthcare News

Good heart and lung (cardiorespiratory) fitness in middle age is associated with a lower long term risk of chronic lung disease (COPD), suggests new research. » Read more Source: Science Daily

Beta blockers can block the effects of stress and anger in patients prone to emotion-triggered atrial fibrillation

Category: Healthcare News

Individuals who are prone to emotion-triggered atrial fibrillation (AF) may benefit from taking beta blockers. A new study shows that beta blockers can block the effects of psychological stress and anger in individuals prone to AF. » Read more Source: Science Daily

Stepped treatment reduces drinking in patients with HIV

Category: Healthcare News

People with HIV who drink too much were more likely to reduce drinking after undergoing an approach to care known as integrated stepped alcohol treatment, according to a new study. The finding supports greater use of this treatment model in HIV clinics to improve outcomes for patients with both HIV and drinking problems, the researchers […]

Survivors of breast cancer face increased risk of heart disease

Category: Healthcare News

Thanks to advanced medical treatments, women diagnosed with breast cancer today will likely survive the disease. However, some treatment options put these women at greater risk for a number of other health problems. A new study shows that postmenopausal women with breast cancer are at greater risk for developing heart disease. » Read more Source: […]

Introduced a new paradigm of cell transplantation with scaffold microrobots

Category: Healthcare News

Scientists developed a microrobot that can precisely transplant stem cells in various in vivo and vitro environments. Expects to improve the efficiency of treating degenerative neural disorders such as Alzheimer by accurately and safely delivering to a desired location. » Read more Source: Science Daily

Yogurt may help to lower pre-cancerous bowel growth risk in men

Category: Healthcare News

Eating two or more weekly servings of yogurt may help to lower the risk of developing the abnormal growths (adenomas) which precede the development of bowel cancer — at least in men — finds new research. » Read more Source: Science Daily

How to start exercising if you’re out of shape

Category: Healthcare News

Perhaps your GP has recommended you exercise more, or you’ve had a recent health scare. Maybe your family’s been nagging you to get off the couch or you’ve decided yourself that it’s time to lose some weight. » Read more Source: Medical Xpress