Category Archives for Healthcare News
Potential strategy for fighting obesity
Scientists may have identified a method of safely mimicking the weight-loss benefits of a plant compound that — despite its harmful side effects — hold critical answers to developing therapies for obesity. Read more Source: Science Daily
Researchers target tumors with intracellular precision
A non-toxic, bacteria-based system can detect when it is inside a cancer cell and then release its payload of therapeutic drugs directly into the cell. The work could lead to effective, targeted therapies for currently untreatable cancers, such as liver or metastatic breast cancer. Read more Source: Science Daily
Why do people with diabetes develop severe COVID-19?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians have noted that certain patients are at especially high risk of developing severe illness or dying from coronavirus infection. Type 2 diabetes—a condition affecting more than 10 percent of the U.S. population— is one of the main risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness. New research from U-M uncovers why this […]
Scientists claim that overeating is not the primary cause of obesity
The authors of “The Carbohydrate-Insulin Model: A Physiological Perspective on the Obesity Pandemic,” a perspective published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, point to fundamental flaws in the energy balance model, arguing that an alternate model, the carbohydrate-insulin model, better explains obesity and weight gain. Moreover, the carbohydrate-insulin model points the way to more […]
Black Americans, Mexican Americans develop diabetes earlier in life
Black Americans and Mexican Americans typically develop type 2 diabetes up to seven years earlier than their white counterparts, a new study finds. Read more Source: HealthDay
Steps per day matter in middle age, but not as many as you may think
Walking at least 7,000 steps a day reduced middle-aged people’s risk of premature death from all causes by 50% to 70%, compared to that of other middle-aged people who took fewer daily steps. Read more Source: Science Daily
Many with food allergies don’t know about oral immunotherapy treatment option
A study of a geographically, clinically, and socioeconomically diverse, nationally-representative sample of US households—including both adult patients and caregivers of children with food allergy—found that 72 percent did not know what oral immunotherapy (OIT) was prior to the survey. Read more Source: Medical Xpress
More evidence that stress gets blood pressure rising
If you often feel stressed out, your blood pressure may rise over time alongside higher odds for other heart concerns, a new study indicates. Read more Source: HealthDay
Both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup linked to increased health risks
Consuming sucrose, the more “natural form of sugar,” may be as bad for your health as consuming high fructose corn syrup, according to a University of California, Davis, study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Read more Source: Medical Xpress
Platelets key to blood vessel damage in COVID-19 patients
Abnormal crosstalk between blood platelets and cells lining blood vessels is one cause of deadly organ damage in patients with severe COVID-19, a new study finds. Read more Source: Science Daily